Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Thousand Thoughts

Merry Christmas.

What are your thoughts these days? I have too many to list here, but I'll share a portion of the thousand thoughts that have been going through my mind lately.

-- The internet is absolutely marvelous. BUT, it's not as good as having a great conversation over a pint with five of the smartest friends you have. Knowledgeable friends are truly a great resource.

-- Reading the old-fashioned way (with a book) is much better than reading things online. You must hold the book and turn the pages with your own hands. Man has done it this way for over a thousand years, and it's a good method. I believe that if the book is well made, the reader is more likely to have a measure of respect for the text (and the author). If I wrote a book, I'd do my best to make sure that my writing was presented in an acceptable format. No cheap paper with gaudy illustrations on the cover.

-- I want to learn to play poker. Who ever heard of a lawyer who doesn't know how to play poker? My friends have tried to teach me a couple of times. I just sat and pretended to pay attention. I will know how the game is played before 2007 ends.

-- Churches that have candles tend to be nicer places of worship (at least aesthetically).

-- I have decided to begin drinking beer brewed here in Michigan. I was born in Michigan, I have spent the vast majority of my 32 years in Michigan, and by God's grace my bones will be laid to rest and ultimately resurrected in Michigan. It would be wrong for a beer drinking Michigan man to not support Michigan brewers.

-- The rabbits that lived in my backyard have apparently moved away. I only saw a rabbit once this past summer. They were here for about three summers in a row. I'm sorry that they moved on.

-- I'm not a fan of saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." I understand that not everyone celebrates Christmas. But I do, and it shouldn't be a breach of etiquette to say "Merry Christmas." I wouldn't get all bent out of shape if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah or a Happy Eid. If people don't want to say "Merry Christmas" that's fine. But those who are concerned about being politically correct shouldn't try to re-label or re-package Christmas songs as "Holiday songs." If it's a Christmas song, it should be called a Christmas song. On that note ...

"Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'"

The Gospel According to Luke 2: 10-11

Merry Christmas.


Blogger Wikkid Person said...

Here is a comment. Cheers!

4:33 PM  

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