Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hot Topics

I'll share my thoughts on a few "hot" topics.

Illegal Immigrants: My stance depends on why they came over. If they came seeking asylum, then I say "welcome." If they came to do hard work in order to have a better life, and they were unlikely to gain entry through "the system" ... I understand that. If they came to sell drugs or traffic women, they should be prosecuted and/or deported.

The National Anthem in Spanish: As long as it expresses the same ideas as the original, cool. Can we get an Arabic version? I'm not even kidding.

Gasoline prices: *sigh* I don't know if I even want to tackle this one. I started writing, so here goes. The current situation shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. We have the technology to harness other sources of energy. Detroit knows damned well how to produce fuel-efficient vehicles. But it won't. Why? I honestly don't know. I guess the shot-callers feel too much has already been invested in the SUV to switch gears. Plus, the boys in the oil industry are doing just fine. JUST FINE. NEVER BEEN BETTER.

Congressman Patrick Kennedy: My prayers are with him. I hope he gets the help he needs, and gets back to work on behalf of the people of Rhode Island as soon as possible. I also wish talking heads weren't so eager to kick a guy when he's down. For crying out loud, the man went on TV and told the whole world that he's got a drug problem. Let the folks in Rhode Island decide what they want to do about that at election time. I'm talking to you, Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter: I'll address you directly. Why are you so mean? Seriously. I can't believe you're really that way. It has to be an act. It's for publicity right? It's your "angle"? Please, tell me that's what it is. If it's not just an act, I feel kind of sorry for you. No one in his/her right mind would want to hang out with you, or be your friend. When you constantly attack people, or ruthlessly criticize them, it makes you ugly. When you act that way, no one cares that you went to The University of Michigan Law School, or that you got really good grades there, or that you've sold a bazillion copies of your books. They just nod and grin in your presence, hoping that you'll leave them alone, and not verbally attack them. But inwardly, in their heart of hearts, even when they wish they didn't, they think that ... well ... you're a bitch. I'm not trying to be mean. "Shrew" wasn't the right word. "Jerk" didn't suffice either. If you stop being so mean, maybe a larger number of intelligent, concerned citizens will take your views seriously. I'm almost sure of it.

TomKat: They've got some issues. But don't we all? I hope the baby grows up to be healthy and happy.

Brangelina: I'll address you directly. Thanks for speaking/acting on behalf of people in developing nations. I hope your kids grow up to be healthy and happy.


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